The Society for Supporting Women In Meteorology (SSWIM) is a group of professors, grad students, researchers, and other members of the meteorology community at Penn State dedicated to providing support, discussion, and outreach for women in meteorology. Although the gender disparities in the field are diminishing, women still make up less of the workforce then men do. This is noted across all careers, but notably in broadcast and academia. While many strategies have emerged to foster the participation of women in science, the common thread has always been the need for peer support, mentorship, and networking, which is what we hope to provide. While the focus is on women, all are welcome!
We meet monthly but maintain a Slack group for discussion in the interim - you can find it by reaching out to either of the SSWIM Chairs, and they will add you. In addition to monthly formal meetings, informal coffee hours occur as a chance to socialize and catch a break. Look for emails from the co-chairs about those dates! Typically, meetings occur the third Friday of the month, with coffee hours occurring sometime the first week of the month.
SWIMM Co-Chairs:
Katie McKeown (
Lydia Spychalla (